洞察力 2022年12月21日


Digital transformation isn’t new, many organisations have been working on it for years. 但这是数字变革的步伐, 大流行加速了这一进程, 是什么让它真正进入了主流. 设施 management wasn’t a laggard when it came to data and 数字转换, 但它也不是一件运动衫. 现在,情况发生了变化. FM在领导和推动董事会层面的决策.

额外的挑战, 比如通胀压力, 供应链中断和能源安全, have put a greater emphasis on the role of data and analytics to inform the way forward. 现在, FM领导人, the biggest challenge is the quantity of data available 以及如何 to link it to organisational vision and strategic goals.

This prompts a number of questions: Do leaders have the right 科技nology and actionable data to support their digital-first ambitions? 我们是否收集了正确的数据并充分利用了我们所拥有的数据? 这对未来的设施管理人员意味着什么?

Several staff sitting at desks in front of a big screen showing data from a building

以更深入地了解当前的挑战, Mitie collaborated with the 工作场所 consultancy Nordic Foresight to understand both the challenges 以及如何 to respond. The research included in-depth interviews with 20 senior leaders from a range of industries.

在一系列与研究相关的网络研讨会上, Nordic Foresight首席执行官, 杰弗里•桑德斯, 阐明调查结果. 在网络研讨会上, 你在FM中的数据见解有多大的可操作性?, he outlined why now is the time for FM to step up and enable organisational ambitions as they orientate towards digital-first working.

Digital 科技nology is helping facilities managers meet operational challenges

对于大多数机构来说, any resistance to a digital-first working model was swept away during the pandemic. 结果是, 数字技术, 增加了对操作数据的访问, 正在改变我们的工作方式以及我们与建筑环境的互动方式.

数字技术帮助我们自动化无聊或重复的任务, 处理危险活动, 更有效率地工作. Sensor 科技nology makes it easier to collect environmental and utilisation data. 与一个 更好地了解我们的工作场所, 以及如何 to enhance them, we can improve employee wellbeing and productivity.

Key drivers for 科技nological change in the built environment include the need for:

  • 为采取行动提供更好的信息.g., 使用数据分析来更好地了解资产表现, predict issues and inform predictive maintenance before issues become problems.
  • 快, more secure connections for data transfer and a greater investment into 科技nologies like blockchain.
  • Better and new types of management systems that control building assets and integrate seamlessly.
  • 更大的自动化,帮助构建用户自助, 比如允许他们报告建筑问题或远程预订书桌的应用程序.

Also, 数字技术 help facilities managers deal with wider challenges including:

  • 发展和澳博官方网站工作场所, 和其他设施, 哪些能改善居住者的健康和幸福.
  • 减少设施的环境足迹. Managing the flow and consumption of materials and utilities, like water, waste and 能源. 大多数组织都有 净零目标 可操作的数据是实现目标的关键.
  • 提供操作数据,使我们能够用更少的资源做更多的事情.g.,通过简化工作流程.


这是一个不确定的时代, 正如研究小组的一位高级领导人所说, “(董事会层面)重新开始关注数据, 数据准确性和数据报告. Executive boards want that data quicker, faster, and cut into different ways.”

对数据的关注从未如此强烈. 所收集的入住率和使用率数据, 能源及采购, 所有这些都对通知操作效率至关重要吗.

然而, 我们需要的不是更多的数据, but better analytics linked to organisational strategy and the transformation agenda. 虽然一些高层领导人对采用“数字优先”很有信心, 其他公司则在努力将他们的数据与良好的FM决策联系起来.

支持数字化优先模式的发展, facilities managers will need a clear understanding of what it means for their organisations. It won’t be enough to make sense of the data collected at an operational level.

It will also be necessary to understand the strategic priorities of the organisation 以及如何 the data can be used to increase productivity and reduce operational risks.

在Mitie,我们认为这将改变FM的游戏规则. 它是我们称之为 澳博官方网站科学®.


数字化转型影响着组织模式, 操作, 以及客户和员工体验.

除了一个坚实的数字平台, 数据是关键的基础,是为组织增加价值的东西. 而是一个组织改进和从中创造更多价值的能力, 来自于专注于重要的事情, 分析它,并将其与战略和领导抱负联系起来.

Sensor 科技nology and remote devices make it easier to collect environmental and utilisation data

Working alongside specialists like data analysts and behavioural scientists will help in understanding the strategic and operational drivers transforming the FM space.

你所在组织的工作场所战略, 无论是完全在办公室工作还是混合工作, 会对核心设施的管理方式产生影响, 使用和维修.

设施管理人员必须深入参与数据,以了解什么, 以及如何, 他们的建筑用户在做什么. To do so, there must be much closer alignment between FM professionals and data specialists.


数据分析和周围的挑战 数字转换 正在导致FM行业发生根本性的变化,主要集中在:

  • Developing the leadership and working models that lead to new and interesting ways to drive value.
  • 支持流程自动化和简化工作流.
  • 围绕正确的澳博官方网站组织进行对话, 正确的澳博官方网站交付水平, 谁应该提供这些澳博官方网站. 还必须考虑什么应该自动化, 什么应该由人来传递, 什么应该由终端用户自助澳博官方网站.
  • The right use of facilities and the right degree of 操作 and maintenance at the right part of the building portfolio.

All of these will have key implications for FM as the data management challenge is addressed.

收听完整的网络研讨会 to hear more on the importance of digitalising your organisation’s assets and 操作 to close gaps and develop new services. +, get details on frameworks for applying the 数字技术 and data analysis that will benefit your organisation, 操作, 客户和员工.

你在FM中的数据见解有多大的可操作性? 是的一部分 我们的科学澳博官方网站®系列. 这个系列展示了技术如何, innovation and 情报 are pushing the boundaries and transforming facilities management.

