洞察力 2024年3月4日


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英国拥有完善的风电市场, 还有道格滩, 哪个将成为世界上最大的海上风电场. 那么,为什么这里的风力发电会受到如此多的批评呢? Mitie’s Head of Energy Markets Research, Alan Whitefield, responds to the most common claims.

It was only a matter of time before those questioning the value of decarbonisation turned their attention to UK wind power.

他们已经 它对太阳能有意见吗, but recently renewable wind 能源 has been enjoying a spell in the sceptical limelight.


  • 当风太大,风力涡轮机无法使用时:生态电力的缺点
  • 对于风力涡轮机来说,风太大了!
  • Britons paying hundreds of millions to turn off wind turbines as network can’t handle the power they make on the windiest days
  • 海上风力的暴风雨时期

I’ve also noticed that online 能源 articles – even those that are well-researched, 平衡和无争议——正在吸引更多的反风人士, 反对环保的评论.




An influential British newspaper columnist took this line after realising wind turbines only operate within certain parameters. 如果没有足够的风,它们就不会发电. 同样,当风太大时,它们也会关闭. 据恩德萨说.当风速达到每小时90公里以上时. But – and it’s a big but – the operable range within which wind turbines function perfectly well is very large indeed.

让我们面对现实吧,英国的风是多变的. 但数据显示,风能从未为我们提供过更多的电力. 事实上, 2023年已成为英国风力发电总量创纪录的一年, 该国的风能超过63太瓦时. 这是2017年风力发电量的两倍(BM报告). 事实上, 2023年12月21日, 早上8点到8点半, 风能曾短暂地提供了英国62%的能源组合.

So we’re not even close to packing up the turbines when year-on-year we’re generating more wind electricity, 尽管每天产生的东西都不一样.


的确,成本在上升. 但由于一系列原因,所有行业的股价都在上涨, including the breakdown in supply chains due to Covid-19 and the gas and oil crisis. 这些因素都与英国的风力发电无关. 好的一面是,通货膨胀不可能永远持续上升. 最终我们会看到成本全面下降. 也有可能随着风能的普及, the 科技nology and parts required to make the turbines will come down in price too.

It’s worth remembering that even with high costs, many companies are still investing. 苏格兰最大的风力发电场segreen于去年10月投入使用. 该风电场是法国全球多能源公司的合资企业, TotalEnergies, 以及英国的SSE 可再生s. segreen将能够为1供电.6m homes and will displace around 2m tonnes of CO2 emissions from fossil fuel generation. 简而言之,这是风能的一大胜利.

‘The national grid can’t absorb all the wind power generated on the windiest days’

虽然这是事实,但把责任归咎于风力发电是没有道理的. This is a grid capacity issue that unfortunately successive governments have failed to solve. 很遗憾,当我们发电最多的时候, 它不能总是被国家电网吸收. Ultimately the consumer pays; the Carbon Tracker thinktank calculated UK households paid an additional £40 for electricity in 2023 due to wasted wind power.

Putting this right is the responsibility of 政府, utilities companies and businesses. The grid should be developed to fully support the switch to wind power and other forms of renewable 能源 generation. It was encouraging to hear the 政府’s plans to put this right in the Autumn Statement, 随着宣布 连接行动计划.

抛开效率低下不谈,到2022年,一个 英国创纪录的40%的能源来自可再生能源. The increase in renewable 能源 generation over the last six years has contributed to a much lower need for gas in the power generation mix. 在此期间,煤炭发电量也大幅减少, 2021年至2023年,英国的煤炭使用量几乎减半(2).8太瓦时,而5太瓦时.2021年为0太瓦时). If issues with the National Grid were resolved, these figures would be even more impressive. 来源:BM Reports


It’s true wind power companies have been facing stormy times – few have enjoyed a financial windfall. The German 政府 has stepped in to help out Siemens Energy amid trouble at its wind turbine division. 去年这家瑞典公司, Vattenfall, announced it was stopping work on the Norfolk Boreas windfarm due to rising costs. 与此同时失去, 世界领先的海上风电开发商之一, 被信用评级机构降级了, S&P.

所以,是的,时局艰难. But Siemens and Orsted are just two examples of companies that took the sustainability bull by the horns and invested to make decarbonisation happen. 如果没有这样的倡议,到2050年就不可能实现净零排放.

There is a case to argue that governments should step in to help such firms through these difficult times. In a recent positive move the UK 政府 lifted the price paid for wind 能源 by 66% to encourage investment. 风能也是可再生能源发电的一部分. 如果它被抛弃, there isn’t another form of renewable 能源 in the UK that can make up the shortfall.

In the UK, the challenge of decarbonisation is being felt by all political parties. Recently they do seem to be trying harder to see that we reach net zero by 2050 by putting more support in place.

Bird's eye view of cars driving on a bendy road through a surrounding green forest of trees

例如, both the Conservative and Labour parties have pledged to speed up Nationally Significant Infrastructure 项目, 或NSIPs. This is necessary because large-scale projects that we need to reach net zero are being delayed by red tape. 在德国和其他地方, 可再生能源基础设施的规划已经放松, 因此,如果英国也这么做,将会有所帮助.

但是还有更多的事情可以做. Improving capacity would solve the problem with the National Grid detailed above. 在十月的工党会议上, 气候变化和净零的影子国务卿, 埃德•米利班德(Ed Miliband), 宣布了能源独立法案的计划. 这将迅速提高英国的可再生能源产能. 类似的, 总理, 圣人Sunak, 承诺推进能源基础设施改革, 哪些将提高电网容量. 然而, 不那么进步的决定受到了广泛的批评, 比如将英国禁止新汽油和柴油汽车的禁令从2030年推迟到2035年.

重要的是我们不能失去动力. 这关系到英国 has slipped from the top five most attractive countries for renewable 能源 investment. 我们现在排名第七,但在2022年我们是第三. 履行英国的脱碳承诺, 以及保持我们积极的投资潜力, 我们真的需要政府更多的支持. 与私营部门合作最终将惠及所有人. 风能在能源结构中的地位不会改变, 因此,风力发电公司没有理由苦苦挣扎.


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